6 Ways to Grow towards a Mature Secure Relationship
Find out how to grow through your insecurities to meet your partners deepest needs. Then watch as your partner reciprocates and you experience your deepest needs getting met. Your actions of care and giving can multiply exponentially in your coupleship. Click to read more....

The Dark Knight Rises Story of Healing an Compassion DIscover a way to cope and deal with the tragedy of Aurora Colorado Movie Theater Shooting from the Storyline itself. FInd out how trauma affects us and different ways people respond to trauma. Also learn how you can make a difference in this world by becoming a Hero in your own Story.

Find out how to transform your life on yourtango.com to heal from the hurts of the past and move towards the Heroine/Hero of your own life story. See how Luke Skywalker became the Hero of the Star Wars Saga. for more information connect with me.

Check out my article on YourTango.com 
Find out what to consider before making divorce announcements to your spouse. Sometimes it is not safe for you to reveal all your plans. Connect with me to find out more.